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What are Props in React.js?

React Props are properties of a React component that allow the developer to pass data from one component to another. This can be done in two ways: through an attribute in the JSX code, or by passing a prop object directly as an argument when invoking the component. The props can then be accessed within the component via this.props.

The props object is immutable and will not change during the lifetime of a component. This means that any changes that need to be made must be handled outside of the component, allowing for better maintainability and readability of your codebase. By using props, components become more modular and reusable, since their functionality doesn’t rely on stateful variables or objects defined in other parts of the application.

React Props offer developers great flexibility when building components and applications. They allow for data to be easily passed between components without needing to write complex logic or worrying about data mutation or state management.

// Parent component
import React from “react”;
import ChildComponent from “./ChildComponent”;

function ParentComponent() {
 return (
     <ChildComponent prop1=”Hello” prop2=”World” />

export default ParentComponent;

// Child component
import React from “react”;

function ChildComponent(props) {
 return (
     <h1>{props.prop1} {props.prop2}!</h1>

export default ChildComponent;

In this example, the parent component passes two props (`prop1` and `prop2`) to the child component `<ChildComponent />`. The child component then receives these props through its `props` parameter, and uses them to render content within itself.

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